Current: Building something new
Previous: PhD, Harvard University
Interests: deep learning, single-cell data, CRISPR mutagenesis, chromatin signaling
Neural differential equations for single-cell dynamics
An intuitive bridge between AnnData and PyTorch
Neural differential equations
LARRY Dataset applied to ML evaluation workflows
Fetch and format single-cell matrices from AnnData
Easy, flexible, object-oriented RNNs
AnnData-facing wrapper of Spotify’s Annoy
PyTorch implementation of PBA
Other python libraries I’ve written:
ArchR-h5ad [ GitHub ]: convert
files generated by ArchR toadata.h5ad
WebFiles [ GitHub ]: In-line python web downloader
AnnNMF [ GitHub ]: AnnData-compatible NMF for single-cell data
sgLib [ GitHub ]: sgRNA library design
seq-toolkit [ GitHub ]: sequence manipulation
genomeIO [ GitHub ]: genomics file parsing
Licorice [ GitHub ]: print pretty strings in python
GTFast [ GitHub ]: GTF access made quick and easy through strategic caching
MsigDB-adata [ GitHub ]: Interface scRNA-seq data with GSEA scoring
ABCParse [ GitHub ]: base class that comes with parsing batteries included
autodevice [ GitHub, Docs ]: in-line, device auto-detection for cross-platform compatibility